
Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Access your IDE64 CFS filesystem directly from PC

To access your IDE64 CFS filesystem directly from PC may come in handy. Especially if you plan to archive your data or transfer a lot of large files for which PCLink is not suitable.

For a long time this possibility was available only to Linux users. Luckily thanks to WinFsp Windows File System Proxy FUSE implementation, there is no barrier to use this functionality in Windows too.

To install the fusecfs you need two components WinFsp and fusecfs-2.0.2 itself .

After running the command cfs011mount.exe with the options or cfs011mount.bat there is a possibility to map IDE64 disk drive to windows drive letter. Physical drive or the file with the disk image. 

You need CompactFlash Reader. Another option is to use CompactFlash SDHC adapter inside IDE64 and internal SD card Reader in your notebook. It is also possible to use VICE IDE64 disk drive images.

More info you will find in README-WINFSP.txt inside the fusecfs-2.0.2-win.

32-bit and 64-bit binary versions are provided for Vista and above.